Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pigs & Cowboys

Verse of the day:  ”We all have different gifts, each of which came because of the grace God gave us.” Romans 12:6
This little piggy's at the market!
Pastor Hector's Church

We have been getting to know Hector, a local pastor here, as he has been driving us places in his second job as a taxi driver. This morning we went to his church. We could have walked, but being the kindhearted man that he is, he came to pick us up just before church started.  Even with the language barrier, it is evident that he is genuine and sincere in caring for both his church and the people of La Merced.  It was a beautiful thing to be surrounded by fellow believers who care deeply about serving the people in their town.  Today’s sermon was fittingly on the different gifts God has provided us—serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, showing mercy, leading, etc.  None is better than another and is only provided by the grace of God as we work together in a common purpose of love.

The festivities continue to grow in La Merced as it builds towards its grand finale tomorrow! The live music and fireworks went on past midnight last night and fireworks resumed around 5 or 6 am!  There was a parade this morning continuing with both musical and neighborhood traditions except with all new groups of people, young to old representing the culture and history of their neighborhoods.  This was all prior to a large outdoor catholic mass which was then followed by live music and fireworks continuing well into the night again.  Our camp is well positioned on a hill just above town so we can hear everything loud and clear as if it was in our backyard.

Today was a quiet day of rest overall though as we prepare for another week travelling to different villages. Hasta maῆana!

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